The end of the outdoor bowls season saw Harpenden and Batchwood in St Albans & District finals.

Harpenden had two ladies competing for a title, looking to match the men who won their district pairs one week earlier.

And they did so with Carol Glanfield taking the Champion of Champions final, beating Alison Hall of Hatfield.

Linda Brooks and Viv Dale were next up at the event in Potters Bar and they too faced Hall, competing with Mary Banks in the pairs.

The Harpenden ladies had advanced through three rounds to reach this stage but the Hatfield duo were too strong on the day and claimed the crown.

Harpenden also had their club finals to complete, with numerous new players reaching the last game.

Carol and Trevor Glanfield were among them as was Graham Andrew, Michael Bird, Neil Herrington, Anne Hockley, Dave Kilvert, Brendan Madden, Mike Pearson, Andy Rose, Sue Rose and Andrew Whitehurst.

Batchwood Hall's successful season included a game against Harpenden in the Bob Vise Trophy

It was only decided on the last few woods put up on two rinks and while Harpenden took the overall win by five points to three, the other metrics showed how close it had been.

Harpenden won 68-64 in shots but Batchwood won more ends, 37 to 35.

Batchwood's Jackie Bell and Yvonne McAuliffe had a run to the last four of the district pairs where they were beaten by Hall and Banks.

The latter also put pay to Bell's hopes in the officer singles, again at the semi-final stage.

She did reach the final of the triples alongside Jenny Gauthier and Brenda Bennitt but lost by one shot to Potters Bar.

There was better news though in the double rink final against North Mymms with a three-shot overall win, the winning Batchwood skips being Lesley Tutt and Bell.

The men's district event saw Dave Gauthier head up Batchwood's team in the final of the Stockman Winser Mixed Fours.

Townsend, skipped by Peter Thomson, took the honours there while Brian Parkes lost in the officers singles final to Phil Russell from Welwyn & District.

In the ladies' district friendly rinks league, Batchwood were beaten to the title on shot difference, having tied with champions Kings Langley on points.

And second was the position for both the men and women in the triples league.

Every season Townsend host fixtures against the tourists of either London Scottish or London Welsh.

This year it was the turn of the Welsh to send five triples to Waverley Road for a very competitive friendly.

Townsend took the win though by just one shot with top rink honours going to Annabel Alcock, Bob Padget and Derek Connelly.