A St Albans church is searching for the best-dressed Christmas dog.

St Paul's Church is hosting a Carols in the Park event at Clarence Park at 3pm on Sunday, December 1.

The most festive pooch will be awarded a prize, with extra points for owners who are suitably dressed.

Associate minister Reverend Peter Crumpler said: "We're inviting people to join us in singing familiar carols at the park's iconic bandstand and providing hot chocolate to keep us all warm.

"Clarence Park is a favourite place for many dogs and their owners, and we're inviting them to join in the Christmas spirit - and maybe win a prize."

The church's Christmas programme also includes a Beer and Carols evening on December 8 , a Quieter Christmas service on December 18, Carols by Candlelight on December 22 and 'Pop Up Nativities' on Christmas Eve.