"Unrealistic" plans to redevelop a former St Albans social club have been refused by the district council.

The rejected proposal affects the once bustling Waverley Sports & Social Club, which has been left derelict since its closure.The current site at 58 - 60 Waverley Road is already part-demolished.The current site at 58 - 60 Waverley Road is already part-demolished. (Image: I.B Architectural design) Houses were also planned for the rear of the site.Houses were also planned for the rear of the site. (Image: Google Maps) Submitted by London Planning Services Ltd in June, plans included the construction of five new houses, consisting of two, three-bedroom and three, two-bedroom dwelling with associated landscaping and parking.

The proposed site plan detailed two semi-detached house at the front of the site at 58 and 60 Waverley Road and three houses at the rear of the location overlooking Chene Mews.


The proposed site plan.The proposed site plan. (Image: I.B Architectural design) In the decision notice published by St Albans City and District Council (SACDC), a statement read: "The proposal would result in an over-development of the available space and it is considered that the three dwellings at the rear of the site would, given their siting and scale, contribute to a visually crowded form of development and poorly designed layout that would result in unacceptable harm to the character of the area."

The council also highlighted that it would cause "unacceptable harm" to neighbour's amenities, particularly in regard to parking arrangements.

They added: "The plan is likely to exacerbate existing parking and manoeuvring difficulties and the bulky and complicated design at the rear elevations of the two other units would further exacerbate the sense of crowding and over development."

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The landscape proposal.The landscape proposal. (Image: I.B Architectural design) London Planning Services Ltd did issue a supporting document alongside the application. The agent suggested that the plans "carefully integrated" the new houses into the existing context while "respecting the architectural character" of the neighbourhood.

The company said: "The provision of well-designed, spacious homes with adequate parking and sustainable features will enhance the quality of life for future residents while respecting the heritage of the area."

Throughout the process, plans were subject to 11 public objections with one calling the plans "unrealistic", and the majority concerned about accessibility and parking issues caused by the proposed development.

One commented: "The proposal creates a very high density development that generates substantial problems for neighbours, the community, and traffic on Waverley Road."

To view the full rejected application go to SACDC's planning portal and search 5/2024/0966.