A networking event will highlight the role of entrepreneurs in society.

Biz4Biz is set to host the next ConneXions event, titled 'Entrepreneurs are Essential for Society' on Thursday, October 24 at Knebworth Barns.

The event, which starts at 11am, will give attendees a perspective on the entrepreneurial landscape.

The event will also highlight how "life-saving science and technology are keeping Hertfordshire and the UK at the forefront of innovation".

Conversations are taking place across the county to fully understand the challenges and opportunities facing those who live, work, and invest in HertfordshireConversations are taking place across the county to fully understand the challenges and opportunities facing those who live, work, and invest in Hertfordshire (Image: Supplied)

Adrian Hawkins OBE, chair of Hertfordshire Futures and founder of biz4Biz, said: "Hertfordshire is a county of entrepreneurs and innovators. A county of opportunity.

"The entrepreneurial base is the backbone of our local economy.

"Developing a new economic strategy will help us create the right environment for businesses to thrive.

"For this strategy to succeed, we need diverse views from across the business community and other stakeholder groups.

"This event offers a fantastic opportunity for businesses to provide early input into the strategic themes and ensure their perspectives are represented."

The event will also spotlight the challenges for Hertfordshire, including social inequalities, skills shortages, limited employment space and low housing affordability.

The county's future economic strategy will focus on growth and productivity, taking into account global trends like an ageing population, AI and digital advancements and climate change.

Hertfordshire must create an optimal business environment that attracts investment, encourages enterprise, and generates jobsHertfordshire must create an optimal business environment that attracts investment, encourages enterprise, and generates jobs (Image: Supplied)

Neil Hayes, CEO of Hertfordshire Futures, said: "For the strategy to be successful, it must represent a wide range of views.

"That's why we are consulting broadly to ensure the strategy reflects the diversity of our communities and the unique challenges and opportunities they present.

"With your collective support and input, we can build a fairer, greener, and more equal society, generating a wealth of future opportunities.

"This goes beyond what we have collectively achieved before to create a broader definition of socio-economic success that delivers for the many, not the few."

The event is part of a series of conversations happening across the county to fully understand the challenges and opportunities facing Hertfordshire.

Younger people aged 16 plus will also have the opportunity to voice their views through the Hertfordshire Careers Hub, which supports 110 schools, four FE colleges and the University of Hertfordshire.

Register your place at https://biz4biz.org/connexions-event.