St Albans Cathedral will host a 'Saying Goodbye' remembrance service to mark Baby Loss Awareness Week.

The service will be held at 7pm on Monday, October 14, and follows two previous remembrance services over the weekend at Canterbury and Chelmsford cathedrals.

Since 2012, more than 230 'Saying Goodbye' services have taken place across seven countries for those affected by the loss of a baby, whether in pregnancy, at birth or in infancy.

The services were launched by the Mariposa Trust, which was created by Zoe Clark-Coates and her husband Andy following their devastating experience of five losses.

Services are filled with music, poems, and acts of remembrance and are free to attend by people of any faith or no faith - whether they experienced the loss recently or decades ago.

Baby loss affects around one in four pregnancies yearly in the UK, and the services allow people to stand with others and acknowledge and remember lives lost.

Charity co-founder and CEO Zoe said: "Our services provide a beautiful opportunity for mothers, fathers, siblings and extended family to say goodbye to their babies and show they are truly loved.

"Our job at the Mariposa Trust is to ensure every child is recognised, however fleeting their existence."