Planning officers have refused plans for a new home in London Colney, branding them ''incongruous and unacceptable".

The decision comes after objections were received from nine neighbouring addresses and London Colney Parish Council.

If approved, the new property would have been built in what is currently a parking area for residents of Hardwicke Place.

Setting out their case in a covering letter, developers WS Planning and Architecture argued that the proposed site is in an existing residential area and would provide a "high quality home in a sustainable location that can be used by a family".

They also claimed the development would "contribute positively to the character of the area".

However, planning officers disagreed, writing in their decision that "the proposed development, by virtue of its siting, scale and design, would result in an incongruous and unsatisfactory addition contrary to the grain of development and the character and appearance of the surrounding area".

Officers also expressed concerns about the "unacceptable residential curtilage" that they believe would lead to the loss of existing parking provision.

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The objections coalesced around this theme, with one saying: "The land on which the development is proposed is solely used by the residents of 34-51 as parking and has been used as such in excess of 45 years.

"Furthermore, the proposed development would result in an unacceptable loss of parking in an area of extremely limited parking provision.

"Many residents rely on these spaces for daily commuting, and the loss of sufficient parking would cause considerable inconvenience, potentially leading to parking overflow into the surrounding cul-de-sac, which is already saturated. This will lead to further strain on local infrastructure."

There were several objections in a similar vein, while another resident added: "The construction of this property will cause dirt, air and noise pollution, not only to the properties in Hardwicke Place, but also to the foot and road access in the immediate area in the cul-de-sac. There will be an increase also in traffic pollution. "