Last week we held our first Lib Dem conference with 72 MPs, although it was a celebratory atmosphere there was also serious work to do focusing on health and social care, growing our economy and stopping sewage.

We also reaffirmed our commitment to the winter fuel allowance for pensioners this winter. 

I spoke out on the sewage that continues to fill our chalk streams and called for a blue flag status to protect them.

I also called for more support for unpaid carers. With thousands of unpaid carers in Harpenden & Berkhamsted alone, estimates across the country show they contribute a staggering £160 billion to the economy, almost as much as a second NHS.

As they care for others, we must care for them. 

After the conference I responded to the consultation on national planning law.

Here in Hertfordshire we’ve been plagued by the Conservative chaos around planning - they promised to protect green belt while failing to put those protections into law.

All the while local Conservatives failed to get a local plan in St Albans leaving us open to speculative development without building the homes and infrastructure we need. 

As regards Labour’s planning proposals, I highlighted the impact of their approach on areas such as ours with green belt.

I urged them to ensure policies are community-first with the right protections for nature.

This includes building infrastructure first, empowering local authorities to build the truly affordable homes we need and to strengthen protection and enhancement of nature and biodiversity.

What’s more, during the transition, they should let councils like St Albans finish the work they’ve started.

The Liberal Democrat council are now working hard to get a plan in place to build the homes and infrastructure we need, and protect our area from speculative development - the government shouldn’t force them back to square one.