Plans for a new one bedroom house on vacant land in St Albans have been resubmitted, six months on from their refusal.

Planning by Design has resubmitted the proposals on behalf of client Silva Karuthasami.

In an accompanying letter they say the new application addresses the concerns that led to planning officers refusal back in April.

The proposed site is adjacent to 79 Watling Street, a residential area which already has several properties.

The original application was refused after officers cited "inappropriate, size, scale and design", while also noting a lack of space for the new house.

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Architects say that the key change to the application is the moving of the property slightly forwards in the direction of the main road in order to provide "sufficient" amenity space.

Defending the need for the property, the letter says: "The proposal will provide living accommodation within the area, while keeping with its character."

The land was once approved for use as a multi-sensory special needs facility that ultimately didn't come to fruition.

The original application received a mixed response with four residents objecting to the plans two and two writing in support.

The current iteration of the plans are yet to receive any public comments at time of writing.

To view or comment on the plans, visit the St Albans City and District Council Planning Portal and enter the reference number 12/09/2024 before October 19.