Three new homes are set to be built in St Albans after permission was granted to demolish 480 Hatfield Road to make way for redevelopment.

The proposals were submitted by DLA Town Planning back in April and met with a number of objections from nearby residents.

One wrote that they were "extremely concerned" about the plans, expressing fears about a loss of light, noise pollution and possible damage to their garage.

Another added: "The proposed development significantly increases the density of housing on this site, which I believe will contribute to the over-crowding of the local area.

"The replacement of a single dwelling with three new properties on a plot of this size is excessive and not in keeping with the character of the neighbourhood."

The application has now been given the go-ahead by planning officers.

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In a planning statement accompanying the application, developers had said: "The proposal is considered to provide a high-quality development that protects and preserves the character of the area.

"The frontage of 480-482 Hatfield Road has been designed to create a welcoming urban environment for occupiers, and to enhance the street scene.

"The proposal will cause no loss of amenity to neighbouring occupiers and future occupiers will be afforded good living conditions."