People are being urged to sleep on cardboard beds in St Albans to raise money for charities.

The annual St Albans Sleepout will take place on Friday, November 8, at Oaklands College.

The event is organised by five charities – Herts Young Homeless, Open Door, The Living Room, Emmaus, and Centre 33 – to help raise money for homelessness charities in Hertfordshire.

Participants at the sleepout are invited to swap their comfortable beds for cardboard beds and sleeping bags, experiencing a glimpse of what life is like for Hertfordshire’s homeless.

The event will feature craft activities and entertainment from musicians, facilitated by St Albans Arts.

Jonny Whitehead, chief executive of Herts Young Homeless, said: "At Herts Young Homeless our mission is to break the cycle of homelessness through education, advice, and support for young people and their families.

"Last year’s Sleepout raised an incredible £50,000, funds which have allowed Herts Young Homeless to continue our vital work.

"The number of young people presenting to the council as homeless within Hertfordshire has risen by 29 per cent over the last year and beyond the official figures, many young people are also forced to sofa-surf or make their own informal and often unsafe living arrangements."

Emmaus Hertfordshire chief executive, Duncan Lewis, said: "Emmaus Hertfordshire is honoured to once again be part of the St Albans Sleepout which not only helps us continue our vital work ending homelessness for vulnerable people, but also raises awareness of their plight.

"It’s only when you experience the sort of conditions homeless people must endure by sleeping rough, at the mercy of the elements, that it truly brings home the enormity of being homeless."

Peter Graham, acting chair of Open Door St Albans, said: "The Open Door Charity works throughout the year to help provide support for those sleeping rough or at risk of facing homelessness.

"The Sleepout is an important part of our fundraising for this initiative, as well as giving a challenging but fulfilling experience."

For more information and for details on how to sign up for the St Albans Sleepout, visit