A petition opposing the implementation of controversial parking charges on Harpenden High Street is set to be discussed by councillors after receiving more than 1,000 signatures.

The petition was launched in response to a consultation held by St Albans City and District Council (SADC) over the summer, proposing to end free parking in several areas of the district, including on the High Street in Harpenden.

The petition received a total of 1,774 signatures, surpassing the 500 needed for councillors to be required to debate the issue.

That debate will take place tonight (September 10) at a meeting of the council's Public Realm Committee.

Under the proposals, only the first 20 minutes of parking would be free, with fees applying thereafter.

Drivers would be expected to pay £2.50 for an hour of parking and £5 for two hours.

Barrie Woolston, owner of Molasses House Art Gallery at 3 Station Road, opposes the plans because he believes that "people simply won't come to the High Street anymore if this comes in".

Molasses House Art GalleryMolasses House Art Gallery (Image: Google Street View)

Town councillor Richard Scott shares these fears, saying the plans would "degrade" the High Street and hurt retailers.

The petition reads: "We, the undersigned, request and petition St Albans District Council to amend their parking policy and reverse the decision to charge for on-street parking in Harpenden town centre.

"The council should allow for a minimum of one hour on-street free parking in Harpenden Town centre.

"The council’s parking strategy documents fail to properly or sufficiently consider the impact on the Harpenden economy, local shops or residents.

"We believe the decision will be damaging to the local economy and will directly and adversely affect the residents and their decision to shop locally."

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The meeting will also consider a similar petition submitted by Labour district councillors Mike Hobday and Emma Turnbull that relates to plans for similar changes to parking in London Colney.

That petition reads: "We ask SADC not to charge drivers to use the free car park on Haseldine Road in London Colney.  

"We believe that the free car park is a vital facility for local residents, shoppers and worshippers at the church and the local mosques. 

"If the council brings in parking charges, then too many cars will simply shift to our local residential roads."

An online petition, separate to the official e-petition, received 6,022 signatures.

The council has defended the plans since the consultation began, with parking lead Cllr Helen Campbell, saying: "I believe the changes will benefit the community as a whole by promoting active travel and discouraging people from parking on the street longer than they need."

Tonight's meeting takes place at 7pm and can be watched at https://stalbans.public-i.tv/core/portal/webcast_interactive/869323