A free wellness event for older residents is set to take place in Harpenden.

Everyone Active, in partnership with Age UK Hertfordshire, is hosting the event at the Eric Morecambe Centre (EMC) on Monday, September 30.

The event, which runs from noon to 3pm, will offer a variety of activities and services for older adults.

This occasion coincides with International Older Persons Day on October 1 and marks the launch of Age UK Hertfordshire's Age Friendly campaign.

The campaign aims to remove barriers for older people throughout Hertfordshire.

The event also kicks off Everyone Active's annual Age is Just a Number campaign, which celebrates the senior demographic.

Activities on offer include netball, pickleball, and table tennis, as well as classes specifically for those with Parkinson's and GoodBoost, an app-based therapeutic exercise programme.

The EMC's function rooms will host talks and workshops focused on living longer and staying active.

The EMC's museum exhibition will also be open to attendees free of charge.

Kirsty Jones, area activity and wellbeing manager at Everyone Active, said: "We are excited to open our doors and welcome senior members of our community to meet them wherever they may be in their fitness journey."

For more information about the event email stalbansactivecommunities@everyoneactive.com or to book, head to forms.office.com/e/UQg7pufpte.