Over the summer I thoroughly enjoyed my ‘listening tour’ of the wonderful constituency I’m so proud to represent. 

I travelled to every corner - from Harpenden to Berkhamsted, Tring to Redbourn, Flamstead to Wheathampstead, and Potten End to Jersey Farm. 

I met inspirational staff and volunteers from dozens of local organisations. And I spoke to hundreds of residents about the issues which matter to them most. 

As ever, health and social care, the cost of living, and sewage were big concerns. Those subjects are major priorities for me.

But one urgent issue came up on doorstep after doorstep - and that’s the government plan to cut the Winter Fuel Allowance. 

Local pensioners, and their families, are very worried about how they’ll now afford their energy bills this winter. 

This comes as an estimated 17,265 elderly people in Harpenden, Berkhamsted and across my constituency are at risk of losing the £300 payment, which helps with heating bills in the cold winter months.

According to research by Age UK, two million pensioners, nationally, will now struggle to pay to heat their homes.

Stripping support from so many of the poorest in our society this winter, just when energy bills are set to rise, is simply the wrong thing to do. 

That’s why my party, the Liberal Democrats, will strive to prevent the cuts.

We have tabled a Commons motion to block the government’s plan and preserve the current system of universal Winter Fuel Payments for pensioner households.

It’s a busy time in Parliament. Last week, I spoke up for local families experiencing immense stress partly due to the funding crisis in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Hertfordshire has the third-lowest funding per head in the country for High Needs - something which urgently needs to change. 

I also voted for our party’s plan to make life easier for Harpenden and Berkhamsted’s commuters - by introducing an annual report on making rail tickets cheaper and simpler. Sadly, the government blocked it.

I campaigned in the general election on the promise of offering you a Fair Deal. And now I’m in parliament, I’m determined to use my voice - and vote - to achieve just that.