Our MPs in St Albans and Harpenden have both raised concerns about the government's plan to cut winter fuel payments, with a vote set to take place tomorrow.

The winter fuel payment is a payment of between £250 and £600 to help people over the age of 66 with their heating bills.

The new plans would mean older people not in receipt of pension credits or other means-tested benefits will no longer receive winter fuel payments from this year onwards as part of Labour's plans.

The government believe it could save the Treasury £1.4bn this financial year, but the proposal have been met with opposition ahead of an MP vote in the House of Commons tomorrow (September 10).

Daisy Cooper, Liberal Democrat MP for St Albans, said she was "deeply troubled" by the plans, and intends to vote against them.

"I am deeply troubled by the Labour government’s decision to restrict the winter fuel allowance so tightly," she said.

"There are, of course, some wealthier pensioners who don’t need the help and would readily admit it but restricting eligibility so tightly will leave too many pensioners living in poverty, to fall between the cracks. 

"We Liberal Democrats have called on Labour to think again and I myself wrote to the leader of the House of Commons calling on her to allow a debate and a vote in Parliament.

"Now a debate has been granted, I intend to vote against the removal of the winter fuel payment from millions of struggling pensioners, to put pressure on the government to bring forward fairer plans."

Harpenden and Berkhamsted's Lib Dem MP, Victoria Collins, said she "wholeheartedly supports" her party's efforts to block the plans.

"I've spoken to many local pensioners and their families who are increasingly worried about making ends meet," she said.

"The government must ensure that local pensioners suffering from economic hardship are shielded from the brunt of any financial cuts. 

"This Liberal Democrat motion seeks to ensure that these pensioners are protected, and I wholeheartedly support it.

"We campaigned in the general election on the promise of offering the public a fair deal and I am determined to use my voice in parliament to make sure that these kinds of decisions are fairer."