An anti-poverty charity has warned that almost half of people receiving Universal Credit ran out of food within the last month, as they called on the Government to take urgent action.

The Trussell Trust has published new research, showing the stark consequences of the inadequacy of Universal Credit across the UK.

The charity is urging the Government to take urgent action in the upcoming Budget, to provide immediate relief for people facing hunger ahead of another difficult winter.

The research, conducted by YouGov on behalf of the Trussell Trust, revealed that an estimated 1.6 million people (22%) claiming Universal Credit have been forced to use a food bank in the last 12 months, and almost half (48%) ran out of food in the last month and did not have enough money to buy more.

Around 1.3 million people claiming Universal Credit are estimated to have been at risk of homelessness in the last 12 months, and the research reveals the lack of support available for people experiencing this level of hardship.

Emma Revie, Chief Executive of the Trussell Trust, said: “This research lays bare the stark truth about the current crisis of hardship across the UK.

“The inadequacy of Universal Credit means that people are being pushed to the doors of food banks because they simply do not have enough money for food. These findings show clearly that people cannot wait for an economic turnaround to improve their current situations.

“With the five-week wait and Government loans pushing people into debt before they've even begun receiving Universal Credit, many people are facing an uphill struggle from the outset, exacerbated by the inadequacy of the support they eventually receive.

We urge the Government to prioritise providing immediate relief to people facing hunger and hardship in the upcoming budget, as well as ensuring vital services continue to be provided in local communities.

“Food banks are facing another difficult winter, and the Government must act now to avoid people being pushed further into hardship.”

Jane Baker, Project Lead at Newcastle-Staffs Foodbank, said: “Many of the people we support at Newcastle-Staffs Foodbank are in receipt of Universal Credit.

“We are here to provide emergency food and support to people in our community, but we are increasingly seeing people in need because Universal Credit simply doesn’t provide enough to cover the essentials.

“In the words of one person who needed our help ‘By week 3, things are tight, by week 4, there is nothing left’.

“Ahead of another difficult winter, we need urgent action from the government to provide immediate relief for those facing hardship in our community.”

The Trussell Trust says that the new data further demonstrates the need for immediate support for people facing hardship and are urging the Government to prioritise the following urgent actions in the Autumn budget.