The New English Ballet Theatre (NEBT) is heading to the Alban Arena with its show Baroque & Roll.

The performance will take place on Tuesday, October 1 at 7.30pm, and tickets are available at

Designed to appeal to everyone, the show features a programme of neo-classical ballet, modern ballet and contemporary dance.

The first half of the programme will feature pieces by two different choreographers.

Baroque Encounters, created by Daniela Cardin, artistic director of Ballet Arizona, is performed by seven dancers to the music of Bach.

This will be followed by Mendelssohn, created by French choreographer and director Constant Vigier, with six dancers performing the music of Felix Mendelssohn.

The second half of the programme features music by choreographer Kristen McNally, who is also a principal character artist with the Royal Ballet.


She will present I Can't Dance and Invisible Touch, performed to the two Genesis tracks of the same name, along with Lonesome Gun and Mad Women, which are performed to a mix of pop and country music.

NEBT founder and artistic director Karen Pilkington-Miksa said: "We’re very excited about performing at Alban Arena.

"It’s a fabulous venue and I think audiences are going to love what we have to offer!"