A-level results day was full of smiles and success stories for students across St Albans and Harpenden.

From students heading to Oxbridge to a Ukranian refugee overcoming adversity to achieve her dreams, here's a look back on the day.

Beaumont School, St Albans

Beaumont School celebrated a record set of A-level results, with eight students going  to Oxford or Cambridge.

Headteacher Martin Atkinson said: "It’s particularly rewarding that so many students have reached or surpassed their aspirations, with our highest ever number of top exam grades across an expanding range of subjects."

Students heading to Oxbridge include Ben, studying history, Polina, studying medicine and Fatima, studying politics, philosophy and economics.

All smiles for students at Beaumont SchoolAll smiles for students at Beaumont School (Image: Beaumont School)

Sir John Lawes School, Harpenden

At Sir John Lawes School eight students secured places at Oxford or Cambridge, with nine receiving three A* grades.

Headteacher Phil Newbury said: "There were lots of happy faces as Sir John Lawes students collected their A-level results this morning.

"A-level’s are a gateway to further education, and we are delighted to say that a record number of students achieved their first choice University or Apprenticeship place.

Sir John Lawes school had a great set of A-level resultsSir John Lawes school had a great set of A-level results (Image: Sir John Lawes School)

Verulam School, St Albans

Verulam School's new headteacher Fergal Moane was 'delighted' by the results his pupils achieved this year.

Mr Moane said: “We are very proud of this group of students who have had to cope with disruption to their education due to the pandemic but they have worked hard and achieved highly.

"We are delighted that the vast majority have received the offers they wanted for university or other next steps."

Success stories include Rishabh Heerah (chemistry, Durham) , Tom Mitchell (Geography, Sheffield) and Michael Broderick (Cybersecurity, Hertfordshire).

Tom MitchellTom Mitchell (Image: Verulam School)

Samuel Ryder Academy

Samuel Ryder Academy had plenty to celebrate, with five students receiving all A* or A grades.

They are: Alfie, who will be studying maths at Warwick University, James, who will be studying maths at York University, Beth, who will be studying geography at Leeds University, Anne, who will be studying biology at York University and Mal, who will be studying physics at University College London.

Beth, Alfie, Mal and JamesBeth, Alfie, Mal and James  (Image: Samuel Ryder Academy)

Kyle Barry, head of school, said: “We are incredibly proud of all our students—their reputations as a hardworking, conscientious and caring cohort has been demonstrated today.

"We wish them all the success for the future and hope they stay in touch."

Roundwood Park School, Harpenden

There were also lots of celebrations at Roundwood Park School.

Headteacher Alan Henshall said: "We are proud of each and every student, no matter what their destination.  They have achieved great results from very different starting points. 

"I want to pay tribute to the amazing staff of Roundwood Park School who have worked with them and been with them every step of the way and also the parents and carers who have supported the school and the students. "

There were lots of happy faces at Roundwood Park School.There were lots of happy faces at Roundwood Park School. (Image: Roundwood Park School)

St Albans Girls' School

It was an excellent year for St Albans' Girls School, with six students getting three A*'s and many more heading some of the best universities in the country.

(L-R) Sadiya - Gap Year, Milena - Modern and Medieval Languages at Cambridge, Meggie - Spanish and Politics at Edinburgh and Ruksana - Cyber Security at St Mary’s University(L-R) Sadiya - Gap Year, Milena - Modern and Medieval Languages at Cambridge, Meggie - Spanish and Politics at Edinburgh and Ruksana - Cyber Security at St Mary’s University (Image: St Albans' Girls School) Head of School Paul Kershaw and Executive Headteacher Margaret Chapman commented on the results, saying: "We are extremely proud of all students’ exceptional achievements today.

"Their dedication to learning over the past seven years at STAGS has been rewarded and ensures a wonderful foundation for their futures.

"We wish all of our students every success, and know that they will flourish in all they do.

Townsend Church of England School, St Albans

Average grades improved across the board at Townsend CoE School.

Alfie, Anna, Callum, Charlotte, Harry, Lola, Mia, Millie and Yana were highlighted as the top performers for this year.

Students at Townsend Church of England School are celebrating their resultsStudents at Townsend Church of England School are celebrating their results (Image: Townsend Church of England School) Students will be heading to universities including Bristol, Liverpool and Sheffield.

Sandringham School, St Albans

An incredibly impressive set of results at Sandringham School, where almost 80 students received all A or A* grades in their exams.

Headteacher Alan Gray, said: "We were delighted with the outcomes once again with over 260 students receiving good news, many with truly exceptional results.  It was lovely seeing them celebrate their achievements with so many meeting or exceeding their aspirations."

Sandringham School celebrated a great year for A-level results.Sandringham School celebrated a great year for A-level results. (Image: Sandringham School)

A plethora of students are heading to Oxbridge, including  Jack, studying biochemistry at Oxford, Annabel, studying politics, philosophy and economics at Oxford, Alika, studying law at Cambridge and Isabel, studying English at Cambridge.

St Albans School

At St Albans School 70 per cent of A-levels taken were graded at an A* or an A.

St Albans School had an extraordinary results day. St Albans School had an extraordinary results day. (Image: St Albans School)

Headmaster Jonathan Gillespie said: “Overall these are a superb set of results from a year group that has displayed strong commitment to their academic studies and to our wide-ranging co-curricular programme in equal measure.

"I offer my warm congratulations to them on their achievements in all areas during their time at the School and, today especially, on the outstanding A Level results that many have achieved."

Marlborough Science Academy, St Albans

Marlborough Science Academy has had a good year, with students set to study at universities including Oxford, Leeds, Durham, Bristol, Surrey and Birmingham.

All smiles for students at Marlborough Science Academy.All smiles for students at Marlborough Science Academy. (Image: Marlborough Science Academy)Headteacher Annie Thomson said: "The Marlborough Science Academy is exceptionally proud of all our students who have excelled themselves this year.

"With the support of their families, dedicated teachers, resilience, curiosity and hard graft, they have done brilliantly!

"We wish them every success as they head off on the next stages of their learning journey’s including our highest numbers yet, going off to Oxford and other universities in the Russell Group."

St Columba's College, St Albans

St Columba's College announced A-level results that are at a ten-year high.

Success stories include Michael (aerospace engineering, Bristol) , Katie (politics and international relations, Birmingham) and Josh (engineering, Bristol).

It was time for students to celebrate at St Columba's CollegeIt was time for students to celebrate at St Columba's College (Image: St Columba's College) Headmaster Karl Guest said: “I am delighted with the excellent achievements of our students as they prepare for the next stage of their academic journey.

"St Columba’s College is not only proud of these high achievements that our students have obtained, but also delighted that these young people leave us as world ready learners.

"Once again, our results have improved year on year, and our students now embark on high-level, undergraduate courses at the top universities across the country."

St Albans High School for Girls

St Albans High School for Girls (STAHS)  announced a strong set of A-level results with 83 per cent of students accepting offers at their first choice university.

11 students received three or more A* grades and just over half got at least one A or A* grade.

Nine will be heading to Oxbridge, including Emily who got four A*'s and will be studying natural sciences at Cambridge.

Special mention also goes to Daria, who joined in Year 12 having moved from Ukraine. She gained four A-levels, including an A* in psychology, a subject she will now study at Kings College London.

Daria joined STAHS at the beginning of Year 12Daria joined STAHS at the beginning of Year 12 (Image: St Albans High School for Girls) Principal Amber Waite said: "We are so proud of our Year 13 students who received their A-level results and university offers today.

"They’ve worked incredibly hard over the past several years to reach this point, and they have certainly earned the right to celebrate today!"

Nicholas Breakspear School, St Albans

Students at Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School have plenty to smile about after an impressive set of results.

Among those celebrating is Trisha Rebello, who received an A* and two A's and is off to University College London to study psychology.

Twin sisters Jada and Jade Okedare achieved 5 A grades and a B between them, and will both be studying pharmacy at Nottingham.

Twins Jada and Jade Okedare will both be studying Pharmacy at the University of NottinghamTwins Jada and Jade Okedare will both be studying Pharmacy at the University of Nottingham (Image: Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School)

Headteacher Declan Linnane said: "Our students should be proud of themselves as they have shown remarkable resilience and tenacity to deliver exceptional results.

"The entire community should take pride in these achievements. As our students move forward, they do so as well-rounded individuals, prepared for the next exciting phase of their lives.”

Loreto College, St Albans

Finally, there was plenty to celebrate at Loreto College on results day.

Anna Ewer achieved two A's and an A*, earning a place studying English literature at Oxford University.

Anna EwerAnna Ewer (Image: Loreto College) Mimi Williams-Leung got three A*s and will be studying Law at Exeter University.

Mimi Williams-LeungMimi Williams-Leung (Image: Loreto College) Tara King will also be studying English literature, with her two A's and an A* securing a place at Durham University.

Mimi Williams-LeungTara King (Image: Loreto College)

Niamh Darcy-Salinger achieved a double distinction in her business BTEC and will be taking up an apprenticeship.

Niamh Darcy-SalingerNiamh Darcy-Salinger (Image: Loreto College) Headteacher Lucy Thompson said: "A huge congratulations to all of our Year 13 students on their results.

"Of all A-level grades attained, 50 per cent were at grades A* - B which is a fantastic achievement. 67 per cent of BTEC students achieved Distinction*/ Distinction."