Plans have been resubmitted that would see a Grade II-listed building in St Albans become housing.

DLA Town Planning Ltd is hoping to turn part of The Old Church at 48 Verulam Road into three two-bedroom properties.

The former church has been Grade II-listed and has been used as office space, although is now vacant.

Developers are seeking permission for a partial change of use to create the new homes.

The plans were first mooted back in 2022, but were rejected after DLA Town Planning failed to demonstrate that the change would not "cause harm to the significance of the listed building".

An appeal was rejected in April this year, with planning officers citing "the special interest and heritage significance of the area", as well as the impact the development would have on "the character of the St Albans conservation area".

Plans have now been resubmitted with developers hoping that the new proposals will be able to win over officers.

In a planning statement that accompanies the newly submitted plans, DLA Town Planning said: "The revised and additional details concerned in this application satisfy previously expressed concerns that the proposed alterations would have any adverse impact on the significance of the interior of the listed building."

They say that the plans provide a "sustainable future" for the historic building, while also providing housing with "good living conditions" that complies with St Albans City and District Council's Local Plan.

Arguing that the former church is in a good location for housing, they point to its proximity to the city centre, while also highlighting the good transport links, with bus and train stations nearby.

If approved, the plans would see the ground and first floors of the former nave of the church remain as office space, while higher floors would be converted into the new homes.

Suggested Reading:

St Albans Archaeological Advisors did not raise objections to the plans in its consultation, albeit with caveats.

The public have until August 24 to comment on the proposals.

No public comments or objections have been registered at time of writing.

To viewing the plans in full, go to the St Albans City and District Council's planning portal and search reference 5/2024/1182.