A prolific burglar who hit St Albans home during an eight-month spree has been jailed.

Michael Cawley, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to burglary and was sentenced to one year and eight months behind bars at Luton Crown Court.

The 26-year-old targeted properties in Luton, Dunstable, Aylesbury, and St Albans during his eight-week spree in 2019, with officers investigating able to identify him via CCTV at each scene.

Before police could arrest him, Cawley left the UK for Ireland and was a wanted person for a number of years. He was finally arrested in February this year in North Wales, after arriving on a ferry from Dublin.

Michael Cawley.Michael Cawley. (Image: Beds police)

Detective Constable Jason Wheeler, from Operation Maze, who led the investigation, said: "Cawley targeted properties and stole jewellery and cash. He then fled to Ireland and was not apprehended until he came back recently.

"The victims can now finally have closure, knowing that he will be behind bars, and I hope that upon release, Cawley will have a crime free future.

"Burglary causes a great deal of distress for victims, so we will continue to persist in our efforts to catch these criminals even after many years have passed. CCTV evidence linked Cawley to the offences, giving him no option but to plead guilty."