President of the St Albans Chamber of Commerce and CEO of Wagada Digital Cheryl Luzet on the trials of employing people.

We voted for change, and the new Labour government has promised a host of legislation to protect the average working person from job insecurity and poor management. 

Currently, employees with less than two years service receive very little in terms of job protection.

Cheryl LuzetCheryl Luzet (Image: St Albans Chamber of Commerce)

With a few exceptions, unless you have more than two years continuous service with the same employer, you cannot claim unfair dismissal and your employer is not obliged to even give you a clear reason or follow a specific process.

An employer must still fulfil the contractual or statutory obligations to which you are legally entitled, such as the notice period detailed in your contract, but this is the only protection an employee has at two years service. 

Labour has promised a new deal for the working person - raising wages, making jobs more secure and banning exploitative practices. It has committed to ending the practice of firing people, and rehiring them again on less favourable contract terms.

It has also promised to boost redundancy rights, improve pay gap reporting and reinforce entitlements for flexible working. 

In many industries, the labour market votes with its feet, changing jobs when working conditions or the culture of a company does not meet up to expectations. 

Unemployment rates remain low, compared to many of our European neighbours, causing a shortage of staff and recruitment challenges to businesses - forcing competition for the best staff and many companies to rethink their package of benefits, and in some industries, putting employees in the driving seat when choosing where they want to work. 

Some workforces are not so lucky and have to put up with bad practices and poor treatment for fear of losing their jobs and not being able to find a new one.

With the current cost of living crisis, even a short period out of work can devastate a family’s finances.

I have always believed that happy staff leads to happy clients and being able to offer the best service will give you an edge over competitors.

If you want your staff to be motivated, work hard and deliver in a passionate and innovative way, you need to look after them. 

On September 11, we have a St Albans Chamber of Commerce breakfast with MP Daisy Cooper. This is your opportunity to get your questions answered first hand on the latest developments in government policies and how they impact local businesses.

Daisy is going to share her vision of the area’s economic growth and hear your feedback and thoughts. I hope to see you there!