Harpenden Photographic Society has announced Liz Thompson as its Photographer of the Year for the 2023/2024 season.

The society holds five competitions throughout the season, where members enter colour prints, monochrome prints or digital projected images (DPI).

An external judge determined the top scoring image in each competition, with points counting towards a final score for each participating member.

Photographer of the year Liz ThompsonPhotographer of the year Liz Thompson (Image: Malcolm Jenkins)

Individual category winners were Liz Thompson for colour print, Paul Johnson for monochrome print and Peter Stevens for digital projected image.

Based on cumulative points in all five competitions, Liz Thompson was named the overall photographer of the year.

She said: "I’m absolutely delighted to achieve photographer of the year, particularly as I'm in awe of so many of the talented photographers in our club.

"Joining Harpenden Photographic Society three years ago was absolutely the best step on my photographic journey.

Lesser Jacana by Liz ThompsonLesser Jacana by Liz Thompson (Image: Liz Thompson)

"As well as having fun and meeting new friends, I've learned such a lot from other members and am constantly inspired by their work, - so achieving POTY is the icing on the cake."

Chair of the society Steve Collins added: "I am absolutely thrilled that Liz has won the photographer of the year title this year, and it wasn’t really a surprise, as her work is always exceptional, both in execution and presentation, and has scored consistently well throughout the competition year.

"Huge congratulations to Liz, and to all of the category winners and runners-up, who contributed such incredible images this season."

Breaking Free by Liz ThompsonBreaking Free by Liz Thompson (Image: Liz Thompson)

The club held two additional annual challenges - with Steve Collins named as audio visual (AV) winner and the Panel of Three Jarvis Cup going to Colin Southgate.


Awards were also given to Julie Cawthorpe for best exhibition print and to Helen Ogleby for best newcomer.

The society, which is now in its 88th year, caters to all abilities - from beginners to more advanced photographers.

Hello Hellebore! by Liz ThompsonHello Hellebore! by Liz Thompson (Image: Liz Thompson)

Meetings are usually held at the Harpenden Trust Hall in Southdown or on Zoom, and take place from September to June on the first and third Tuesday of each month.

New members are encouraged to join when the new season begins on Tuesday, September 3.

Mono Tulip by Liz ThompsonMono Tulip by Liz Thompson (Image: Liz Thompson)