Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey and his deputy Daisy Cooper ended the General Election campaign in style, bringing a Cadillac to the marginal seat of Harpenden and Berkhamsted.

With the ABBA hit blaring around Hammond's End Farm Mr Davey urged voters "to take a chance" on his party.

The pair were joined by Victoria Collins, the Lib Dem candidate for the Harpenden and Berkhamsted seat.

Ed Davey and Daisy Cooper in Harpenden during the last day of the General Election campaignEd Davey and Daisy Cooper in Harpenden during the last day of the General Election campaign (Image: Liam Fitzpatrick)

Mr Davey addressed an audience on the visit, saying: "Tomorrow we have the chance to bring the change that this country desperately needs. This is a chance to vote for something different.

"Families and pensioners have been hit by sky rocketing energy bills, food bills and housing costs.

"People are angry that water companies have been allowed to pour their filthy sewage into our rivers and lakes. This has got to change and the Conservatives have got to go."

Ms Collins urged residents to come out and vote tomorrow, highlighting polls that put her and Conservative candidate Nigel Gardner neck and neck.

The seat is one of many marginals in once true-blue Tory strongholds that the party are hoping to win in tomorrow's election.

The General Election takes place tomorrow with polls opening at 7am and closing at 10pm.

Victoria Collins will be joined on the ballot paper by Nigel Gardner (Conservative), Zara Layne (Labour), Saba Poursaeedi (Reform UK), Paul de Hoest (Green) and Mark Patten (Social Democratic Party).