A Bushey woman has been convicted of careless driving after a motorbike rider was killed when he crashed into the back of her slow-moving car.

Samantha Wilson, 27, of Belle Vue Lane, was cleared of causing the death of Adam Richardson by careless driving, a more serious charge, by a jury at St Albans Crown Court on Wednesday.

The fatal crash happened on the A414 dual carriageway between Hemel Hempstead and Park Street after Wilson pulled out from the hard shoulder at around 12.45pm on September 20, 2020.

A previous jury had been unable to reach a verdict and this week’s case was a retrial.

Judge Lana Wood fined Wilson £375 and gave her three points on her driving licence. She must also pay a victim surcharge of £37.50.

Max Grkinic, who ran to the scene to help, told the jury he heard Ms Wilson say: “Oh my God I have killed him.”

The motorcyclist Mr Richardson was lying on the carriageway of the A414 and Ms Wilson’s white Fiat 500car was on fire.

Mr Grkinic’s wife Cara told the jury she was driving their Fiesta and had overtaken the motorbike before moving back into lane one.

She saw two cars ahead in a lay-by and one, a Fiat, moved slowly out of the hard shoulder with its hazard lights on before driving slowly in lane one of the dual carriageway.

When asked to estimate the speed of the Fiat, the witness said: “five or ten miles per hour. It was very confusing. I wasn’t really sure why.“

Cara said she screamed and shouted when, in her mirror, she saw the motorbike crash into the back of the Fiat.  

Ms Wilson was sentenced at St Albans Crown Court on Wednesday.Ms Wilson was sentenced at St Albans Crown Court on Wednesday. (Image: ©2019 Archant)

They stopped on the hard shoulder and Max ran back to help. “The Fiat was in flames,” she added.

Mr Richardson, who had been riding within the speed limit at between 60 and 70mph, was pronounced dead at the scene.

The jury was told Ms Wilson and a passenger had left Chiswell Green Riding School to go to a horse supplies shop near Dunstable when a warning light came on.

Her mother Claire was in another car, a Fiat Kubo, but also stopped and they poured water into the coolant part of the engine.

Once the warning light went off,  Ms Wilson said she moved off into lane one at 25 to 30 miles per hour with her hazard lights on.

When interviewed by the police two weeks later, on October 7, 2020, the defendant said she had stopped because she was worried about having a mechanical problem.

She told police she had checked her mirrors twice before pulling out into lane one and there was nothing behind her.

Although Ms Wilson said she was driving at 30mph, a collision expert estimated she was travelling at around 19mph.

Giving evidence, Ms Wilson said: “The accident happened quite quickly. All I know is that the bike was travelling faster than me.

“I was driving at 30mph - I was moving up to gear 4. When I pulled out there was safe distance for cars to continue their drive.

“I don’t know why the bike did not see me that day and use the right lane. It was completely free.”

She went on: “I am a careful driver. I have never even had a knock or a clip.”