St Michael's Street in St Albans will transform into a vibrant hub of folk music and traditional dance next week.

On Wednesday, July 3, the eagerly-awaited annual event, established in 1988, will kick-off at 7.15pm with overtures from St Michael's bell ringers until 8pm.

The music and dancing begins from 8-10pm as six dance groups, including the Wicket Brood and Tappalachian, will strut their stuff alongside St Michael's School pupils performing maypole dances.

The closure of several of the street’s pubs has led to a shift in venues, however, music will still fill the village all evening with performances spilling out into the churchyard and nearby establishments until 11pm.

Ukulele bands and folk music will take centre stage as take notable acts include the Swan Vesta Social Club, the Six Bells All-stars, and Run of the Mill.