A petition has been started in opposition to a proposed parking charge in St Albans.

Two hours of free parking is currently available at Westminster Lodge Leisure Centre, on Holywell Hill. 


St Albans City and District Council have given notice that this policy will be reviewed, with a £1 parking charge proposed.

Free parking beyond 6.30pm would also be removed, with the proposal indicating that charges would be in place until 10pm.

A petition has now been started on Change.org to demonstrate opposition to the proposed change.

The petition states: "This petition is to illustrate to the council the widespread nature of the opposition and refute SADC's (St Albans City and District Council) point that the opposition is only limited to the 791 responses to the consultation.  

"The changes would make it more expensive for people wishing to access the leisure centre and Verulamium Park. 

"The results of this petition will be shared with local councillors."

The petition currently has over 5,000 signatures.