A St Albans-based women's association has been given a Queen's award by the Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire.

Robert Voss presented HAWA (Hertfordshire Asian Women's Association) with a Queen's Award for Voluntary Service 2022, on Friday, December 2.


A reception was held at the Civic Centre's council chambers, attended by Lady Verulam Dione Grimston, council chair Annie Brewster, Daisy Cooper MP and St Albans Mayor Cllr Geoff Harrison.

It was Lady Verulam who nominated HAWA for the award, which was accepted by the organisation's directors Rushna Miah and Zia Kiani.

Herts Advertiser: A reception was held at the Civic Centre's council chambers, to present the award.A reception was held at the Civic Centre's council chambers, to present the award. (Image: HAWA)

Following the presentation, Rushna Miah told The Herts Advertiser: "We are very honoured.

"Our first reaction was 'Wow! we are very thankful and excited to have won the award'.

"It means a great deal to HAWA because finally our work is being recognised - and to get such a high and prestigious award - all our HAWA members, all our staff, everyone is really happy."

Herts Advertiser: HAWA chair Rushna Miah told The Herts Advertiser of her excitement at receiving the award.HAWA chair Rushna Miah told The Herts Advertiser of her excitement at receiving the award. (Image: HAWA)

Asked why she believes HAWA was chosen for an award, Rushna continued: "I think it's because we have a bespoke service here.

"We are helping the community and providing that service to them.

"We've been set up since 2008, so it's been a long number of years for us to get to where we are."

Herts Advertiser: Rushna also spoke of HAWA's future plans now that the award has been presented.Rushna also spoke of HAWA's future plans now that the award has been presented. (Image: HAWA)

On HAWA's future plans, now that the organisation has been presented with the award, Rushna added: "We are planning to do a lot more to expand and grow our organisation.

"A lot more people are taking interest, and we look forward to doing a lot more partnership working with our partners and stakeholders as well."

Lastly, Rushna spoke of inviting people from a range of ethnicities to HAWA's events, and including them within the organisation.

Herts Advertiser: Another celebration event took place at HAWA's Saheli Tiffin Club at St Luke's church.Another celebration event took place at HAWA's Saheli Tiffin Club at St Luke's church. (Image: HAWA)

She said: "This year HAWA became, from Hertfordshire Asian Women's Association, we became a social enterprise.

"We are now called HAWA Multicultural Services CIC.

"That's because people thought the services were only for Asian women, but it's actually for all ethnically diverse women."