The mother of a young man with bone cancer is taking on a gruelling physical endurance challenge in support of her son.

After Sam Wick was diagnosed with the disease at the age of just 20 he underwent extremely harsh chemotherapy and immunotherapy followed by a total knee replacement. Although he continues to receive treatment, Sam is now cancer free.

In a bid to give something back to the medical professionals who helped save her son's life, his mum Jenny and a group of friends are taking part in a 5K Tough Mudder extreme obstacle course in Henley to raise funds for the Bone Cancer Research Trust.

Obstacles include the likes of a giant ice bath, 10,000 volts of electroshock treatment, a three-storey high scramble net, and a muddy swamp filled with hidden sinkholes. It certainly isn't a walk in the park!

Jenny said: "By undertaking this challenge our wonderful friends are hoping to help raise valuable funds and awareness of osteosarcoma, which is an extremely rare cancer with limited research and awareness.

"The Bone Cancer Research Trust is dedicated to saving lives and improving outcomes for people affected by primary bone cancer. Despite being small, they fund more research projects exploring primary bone cancer than any other organisation. Other large UK cancer research charities do not prioritise bone cancer patients, in 2019 just 0.028% of their research spend went to bone cancer – not even close to one per cent! Last year alone, Bone Cancer Research Trust committed an incredible £807,824 to pioneering bone cancer research - to save lives!"

Sam added: "The last year battling cancer has been a rollercoaster. I couldn't have done it without the support of friends, family and charities such as Bone Cancer Research. I have raised over £14,000 to date and would appreciate any donations to help aid research into earlier diagnosis and treatment."

You can sponsor Jenny's Touch Mudder efforts at