A St Albans woman is training to run her first ever 10k race, having never run before, and encouraging others to join her by signing up for the Herts 10k.

Emma Hart, 25, was inspired to sign up for the race to raise money for Rennie Grove after the organisation cared for her grandad in his final days.

She says: “The care and support offered by Rennie Grove allowed my grandad to leave hospital and pass away peacefully at home with family by his side.

"It meant a huge amount to him and the rest of our family that he was able to be at home. All of the nurses and health care assistants were amazing with him and the whole family.”

Emma wanted to raise money for Rennie Grove to thank the organisation for the support her grandad and family had received. She was unsure which challenge to choose, then remembered her grandad’s advice:

“My grandad always encouraged me to challenge myself and take on all of life's opportunities. So going from beginner runner to a 10k, while raising money for Rennie Grove, seemed like a great way to honour him.”

With no previous running experience, Emma signed up to the Herts 10k and has been training since July. She started off by completing the couch to 5k programme. Her aim for the race is to simply cross the finish line and enjoy the route along the way.

Emma will be joined on the day by her parents and close friends who will be cheering her on in the race.

She is now encouraging other local people to sign up for the race, which takes place on the stunning private grounds of the Rothamsted Estate, on Sunday, October 9.

Emma says: “If I can do it, so can you! Rennie Grove is such a wonderful organisation to raise money for and I look forward to the atmosphere on race day with so many people all running for the same cause.”

To find out more or to register for the race, visit www.herts10k.com.